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About Us

Dr. HC Verma
Prof. of Physics, IIT Kanpur (Mentor)
Jitender Singh

Dr. HC Verma, author of Concepts of Physics is devoted to improve quality of physics education in the country. He has developed more than 600 physics experiments which can be used by teachers as DEMO in their classrooms. He conducts teacher's workshops where he impresses upon using DEMO based physics teaching in which students can connect science with life. More about him on his website and his YouTube channel.

Jitender Singh
Author, M.Sc. Physics (5 Yr) IIT Kanpur
Jitender Singh

Jitender Singh is working as a Scientist. He has a strong academic background with Integrated M. Sc. (5 years) in Physics from IIT Kanpur and M. Tech. in Computational Science from IISc Bangalore. He is All India Rank 1 holder in GATE and loves to solve physics problems. He is a member of Prof. H.C. Verma's team which is dedicated to improve the quality of physics education in the country. Read more on Jitender Singh Bio Page...

Shraddhesh Chaturvdi
Author, M.Sc. Physics (5 Yr) IIT Kanpur
Jitender Singh

Shraddhesh Chaturvdi holds a degree in Integrated M. Sc. (5 years) in Physics from IIT Kanpur. He has extensively studied the Vedic philosophies over a decade and found their underlying wisdom to be far more valuable and powerful than anything else. Through his work, he wants to share timeless wisdom of our glorious past in a succinct and meaningful way. Read more on Shraddhesh Chaturvedi Bio Page...

We are team of individuals working for a common goal: to improve quality of physics education in the country. Apart from above three, the team consists of many individuals who provides their valuable inputs and support.

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